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Autumn 2019

Autumn 2


Class 2 have enjoyed their travel topic and enjoyed sequencing the events of The Titanic. In maths we have set up a shop to help us learn about money. We also have begun learning how to measure using rulers and beginning to understand standard units of measure (cms) and measuring using cubes as a non-standard unit of measure. We painted and planted our poppies for Remembrance Day and enjoyed sewing our stockings and making candle holders for the Christmas Fayre.  Class 2 have been very busy practising the Christmas play with class 1. We enjoyed performing 'Starlight' to the rest of the school in the dress rehearsal and the evening performance to the parents. 

Autumn 1


Class 2 have settled very well into the routines of their new year groups. We have been very busy at the beginning of the Autumn term with our art work. We have looked at a variety of artists, including Paul Klee, Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock. We have looked at different pieces of abstract art. We have created colour fields in the style of Mark Rothko, mixed shades and tints in the style of Paul Klee and created drip paintings in the style of Jackson Pollock. We began our art topic by looking at primary colours and used these to mix secondary colours.  In topic we have identified the different continents and the major seas and oceans around the world. We created journey lines and looked more closely at Europe. We created flags of Europe using Lego or cubes. 
