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Autumn 2020

Class 5 – Autumn 2

It's almost Christmas! This half term seems to have flown past but looking back over the last half term it is amazing how much we have managed to achieve as a class. Some of the highlights have included the Golden Record topic in literacy, diversity week, practical experiments with circuits in science, developing our yoga skills, bell ringing and Christmas crafts, with everyone having a go with a sewing machine. Let’s hope we can keep up this pace for the whole year!

Class 5 – Autumn 1

Sitting in straight lines, cleaning desks throughout the day, breaks at different times to the rest of the school, collective worship by Zoom, regular handwashing are a few of the examples of what is now just a part of everyday school life. Class 5 have taken this all in their stride and it is good to have everyone back in school. All the classroom learning that would normally take place is happening and we have even managed some special events including Forest School and a Yoga Day which was great chance for everyone to relax a little. Looking after ourselves and each other has become a very important part of life in Class 5 so far this term. We are looking forward to the a break over the half term and hope that Autumn 2 is as positive as the start of the year has been.
