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Summer Photos

Our topic this term is The Great Outdoors.  We have been taking our learning outside wherever possible! The highlight has been our Forest school sessions where we have emersed ourselves in den making, carrot peeling, marsh mellow cooking , bug finding , relaxing in hammocks and many more inspiring activities.


We have used our outdoor classroom in a variety of exciting ways such as shadow drawing, water clocks, painting, blowing bubbles and sharing stories together and countless other fun activities. This term our allotment has provided a wealth of produce from potatoes, sunflowers, lettuce to sugar snaps . We have got stuck in with watering, digging, harvesting, counting, measuring and of course eating - yummy! Our tallest sunflower was 120cm (so far......)


Perhaps one of the most exciting days was our trip to Woburn Safari Park where we explored a variety of animal groups and their features, different animal diets and what makes an animal a predator or prey! ...........Eyes in front I hunt, eyes on the side I hide!

This term we have been using materials and their properties as our focus. We have explored different materials using The Little Pigs as a stimulus. the children enjoyed acting out the story using puppets in the tuff spot, props in the drama cabin and even singing the story with Mrs. Lauder!


We then enjoyed a number of challenges with a focus of discovering more about the properties and purpose of different materials. We were challenged to make boats that would be sturdy and purposeful. We explored the properties of various materials to select the right one for our boats. We discovered paper would not be strong enough and even cardboard would get soggy!. We tested our boats on the water to see if they would float or sink. Another challenge we enjoyed was to use a variety of materials to make waterproof shelters for our teddies. Other explorations included using the magnets to find out which materials were magnetic, whether some magnets were stronger than others and what everyday objects have magnets to make them work.


Whilst looking at what everyday objects are made of, we considered how this has changed over time. We talked about how milk used to be stored in glass milk bottles and then with the advancement of plastic more readily available plastic. We considered the impact on the environment of the increase of single use plastic and explored ways of reducing, reusing and recycling our materials. We discussed how it is becoming increasingly popular to return to the glass milk bottle ! We designed posters to encourage others to save our planet!
