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Autumn 2020

Autumn 2

We have had a busy half term with the last few weeks being productive with Christmas crafts and activities. We have enjoyed our Christmas crafts, particularly sewing, and learning how to do the blanket stitch. We liked making reindeers and Christmas cards.  One of our activities during RE was to look at different Christmas cards and sort them into groups - linked to The Nativity Story and not linked to the story and then class discussions around each part of the story and key words linked to the story. In maths we have enjoyed measuring using cubes and rulers. On No Pens Day we learnt some of the names of 3D shapes and their properties. We then had to use the correct language to describe the shapes to a partner. We also looked at castles, different parts of castles and described different castles to our partner.  

Autumn Term 1

Wow, what a busy half term this has been. Class 2 are settling into the new routines and the different set up of the classroom.  They have all taken responsibility for keeping our classroom nice and clean and tidy! We have enjoyed our Great Fire of London topic - finding out lots of facts and completing lots of art work. We have explored different types of paper, made collages, weaved with paper, and enjoyed using chalk. We looked at St Paul's Cathedral before it was burnt down in 1666 and designed our own ones. We then made stained glass windows and linked that to the Creation story in RE. 

In topic we have found out about London in the 17th Century - what houses were like and what jobs you could do. Mrs Annet and Mrs Whitson have been impressed with the homework/ learning log tasks linked to our topic.  We have loved being outside during PE - we began with different ball skills and then moved on to be pirates and practising our balancing. More recently we have played Dinosaur Island and have been practising different types of movements - hoping that we make it to Dinosaur Island! 
