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Autumn 2021

A highlight of our half term has been Forest School.  The children have worked on listening, instruction-following and teamwork skills while doing activities such as den building, wood whittling and fire lighting using a flint and steel.  They have also enjoyed delicious smores and pancakes, which they cooked themselves over the campfire.   

They have painted and lacquered their clay Ancient Egyptian death masks, and created fantastic elf hats to wear for the school Christmas dinner!

In Literacy, we have been learning about the poems of Edgar Allan Poe and acted out verses from 'The Raven'.

We have been considering our answers to some big questions in RE and designed stained glass windows to reflect how Christians feel about God.

We have been exploring our topic of Ancient Egypt in Art and DT - we began by studying methods for drawing faces and produced self-portraits, then used our new skills to create Ancient Egyptian death masks from clay.  Once they are fired, these will be painted.
