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Summer 2022

Summer 2

Class 2 have enjoyed lots of art work this half term looking at a variety of landscapes and cityscapes. We have looked at the artists Monet, Van Gogh and Metzinger. We’ve created our own versions of their work using paint, mosaics and sketching. We love reading in class 2 and always enjoy our group reading time. We’ve planted seeds and bulbs and enjoyed setting up experiments such as do seeds need light to grow? Do seeds need soil to grow? In maths we’ve enjoyed finding out about properties of shape, telling the time and using money to find different amounts. 

Summer 1

Class 2 have loved having the equipment out in gymnastics this half term. We have thought about balancing and travelling in different ways. Each week the equipment has been arranged in slightly different ways so that we have been able to find new ways of balancing and travelling. We have also had the ropes out and lots of us have got stronger trying to climb them and reaching the top! We have also enjoyed our topic this half term. We have drawn portraits of different monarchs and then painted them, mixing colours as we have needed them! In Computing we have started coding and are writing algorithms to create actions and using events to extend these actions.
