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Autumn Photos 2022

Class 1 have thoroughly enjoyed our Sparkle and Shine topic this term.  We have immersed ourselves in festivals that celebrate with light: Diwali, Christmas and Hanukkah. We had an exciting and informative visit from the Hemel Firefighters, they taught us how to stay safe with fire and with fireworks.


 We have explored how materials are reflective and transparent using a variety of light sources. Our investigation into light led us to looking at other properties of materials such as whether only shiny objects are magnetic.


We have been using tools in our gardening sessions to dig, weed and plant blubs. We also planted cress for our homemade egg mayonnaise and cress sandwiches. We are getting really good at using cooking utensils for preparing food for snack time. We finished the term off with a fabulous sparkly Christmas production.

Class 1 are thoroughly enjoying exploring and investigating the inside and outside environment. We are using all our senses to discover and challenge ourselves in our classroom. We have been getting to know each other, making friends and supporting each other with our learning.
