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Autumn Photos 2022

Class 2 have had a busy half term. We have spent lots of time with class 1 singing, practising and performing in Santa’s Setbacks, photos in the gallery from the performance. We have enjoyed having a visit from Perform and taking part in the drama class. It was great having a visit from the firefighters, we were able to ask them questions and we got to see the fire engine. In DT we have been making windmills. We used straws to have a go first then we constructed out windmills from paper and card. We have learnt how to join materials together. We also used big construction toys to try to create a shelter that we could stand up in. We have made elf hats for Christmas lunch and enjoyed the snow!

Autumn 2

Class 2 have had a busy half term. We are enjoying our morning activities when we first come into the classroom every morning. Some of the activities include threading, pegboards, geoboards, playdough, handwriting and many more. This half term we have found out all about The Great Fire of London and created Tudor houses in History. We have enjoyed learning about seasons in Science and The Creation Story in RE. In Art we have looked at different ways of creating lines, worked together to make an underwater picture using the skills of creating lines using different media and created work inspired by Beatriz Milhazes.
